¬ About
„Where is the time I have left in this space?“
For the last years I have followed an artistic path which is the result of a predominantly sculptural research which focuses on time as a decisive agent, along with other ideas. I experiment with the proximity of originally diverse material such as: water, plastic, iron, glass, copper, steel, cotton, plants, rubber, bricks, concrete and many others, rendering imminent the action of time by a mnemonic record on matter and space.
As can be seen in the enclosed photos of my work, there is the presence of a poetic language which recalls interactions between internal organic fluid forms, incorporating chance and speculation and experiencing the abstraction that results from their experiments with the material. Nevertheless, no artistic activity is free from the artist’s subjective intention, regardless of purely physical and material conditions. Such assembling combine materials that create new properties through these combinations, emphasising on many occasions a vocabulary of physical terms like balance, density, materiality, capillarity, etc. These works, in which the physical characteristics are not virtual, symbolic or representational but where they literally exist, are nonetheless subjective emotional assemblages.
My project is to go on with the development and perfecting of some aesthetic and visual questions arising from experiments that stem from the work I have been developing. To move ahead in the sense of working with the space in its continuity and extension anxiety, but always making use of confrontation, of the paradox of disruption and temporal suspension – relating the question of a movable perception to contemporary man’s uncertain, unstable and fickle situation.
Carla Guagliardi
1995 (updated in 2024)
- Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
- Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage / Rio de Janeiro
- Post-Graduation / History of Art and Architecture in Brazil/PUC, Rio de Janeiro
- Member of the group of artists VISORAMA, organising seminars and workshops about contemporary art in several cultural institutions in Brazil
- Since then living in Berlin and Rio de Janeiro
- Atelier Programm 1999 Künstlerhaus Bethanien / Berlin
- Helsinki International Artist-in-residence Programme, HIAP/ Cable Factory
- KHOJ workshop-exhibition in residence program, Mysore/Bangalore, India
- Guest artist in residence at Villa Aurora, Los Angeles
- Onde está o tempo que eu deixei nesse espaço? /wWhere is the time I left in this space? Gal.Kajetan,Berlin
- Zwei dinge und ihr akkord / duas coisas juntas e seu acorde ,K52, Berlin
- Conversa com a parede / Gespräch mit der Wand, Kajetan Berlin-Raum für Kunst
- Dialogue / Collection Hoffmann – Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden/Neues Grünes Gewölbe, Dresden
- Fuga – Projeto Parede, Intervention at Galeria Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro
- Under construction, Galerie m Bochum,Germany
- Opera II (or Where is the time I have left in this space?), Die Raum,Berlin.
- Fuga, Diehl CUBE, Berlin
- Para quem voa descansar, Museu do Açude, Rio de Janeiro
- Carla Guagliardi (with Evelina Cajacob) – Galerie m Bochum
- Os cantos do canto, Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro
- Longe do equilíbrio – Steendrukkerij Amsterdam,Amsterdam
- O Lugar do Ar, Instituto Mariantonia /USP, São Paulo
- Luogo d’aria, Castel dell’Ovo, Napoli
- O Lugar do Ar, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro
- Schewerelos, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin
- Um mar e dois desertos / Ein Meer, zwei Wüsten, Galerie m Bochum
- Der Ort der Luft, Kunstverein auf dem Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
- Nada do que não era antes, Atelier FINEP, Museu Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
- Nada do que não era antes, Artist in residence, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
- Memória Líquida, Galeria IBEU Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
- Às Parcas e ao Edi, Galeria IBEU Madureira, Rio de Janeiro
- Bolha, Projeto experimental,Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro
- Instalação, Galeria Sérgio Porto, Rio de Janeiro
- Cura /Heal – Hangar, Lisboa
- The fold in the horizon, Gallery Nara Roesler, New York
- Na dobra do horizonte, Galeria Nara Roesler, Rio de Janeiro
- ThisPlay, ARTER,(curated by Emre Baykal), Istanbul
- Copacabana-mar de memórias, SESC Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro
- Bodies of Desire, Montoro12 Gallery, Brussels
- What can I offer you today? collaboration with the aerial performer Rosiris Garrido, Garrido Studio,Berlin
- KONKRET/ABSTRAKT , Anahita Contemporary, Berlin
- KAJETAN presents, Kajetan Berlin
- Ao AR, Livre, projeto de exposição à distância, curado por Tiago de Abreu Pinto no Instagram
- KALEODOSCOPE – five ways to think about glass – Kunstverein Neukölln, Berlin
- Negativer raum (Negative Space), ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
- SELVA, FUNARTE ,conexão circulação 2016, Brasília / Rio Branco, BR.
- Shortlist Prêmio PIPA, 2017, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro
- Ready made in Brasil, Espaço Cultural da FIESP, São Paulo
- Suposto Sul / Suposto Norte, Espaço Cafuné, Berlin
- Dentro, Museu de Arte do Rio/MAR, Rio de Janeiro
- O lugar do delirio, MAR (Museu de Arte do Rio), RJ/ SESC Pompéia, São Paulo
- Silêncio Impuro, Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro
- Skulptur 2015 – Skulpturen Museum Glaskasten Marl, Germany.
- Mirror images in Art and Medicine, Museum of Medical History at the Charité,Berlin
- Casa Cidade Mundo, Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro
- Charles Gaines/ Carla Guagliardi/ Franka Hörnschemeyer, Galleri Opdahl,Stavanger
- UM Festival 2014, Uckermark, Germany
- Matriz e Desconstrução, Galeria Anita Schwartz,Rio de Janeiro
- Éter, Galeria Anita Schwartz,Rio de Janeiro
- UM Festival 2014, Uckermark, Germany
- Matriz e Desconstrução, Galeria Anita Schwartz,Rio de Janeiro
- 6 ROOMS, intervention, Hotel 6rooms, Berlin
- Shelagh Wakely/ A view from a window , Camdem Art Center, London
- Bola na rede, FUNARTE, Brasília, Brasil
- Land der Zukunft/Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin
- E os amigos sinceros também, Galeria IBEU, Rio de Janeiro
- Shelagh Wakely, a homage by friends, Museu do Açude, Rio de Janeiro
- Novas aquisições 2010-2012, Coleção Gilberto Chateaubriand, MAM do Rio de Janeiro
- We make versions, Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster,Germany
- TimeFrame University Gallery, University of Essex, Colchester,UK
- O desejo da forma – Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2010 Transatlantische Impulse II, Akademie der Künste, Berlin - The Glass Delusion, National Glass Center, Sunderland, UK
- +40°C -30°C Contemporary Art/ Brasil Finland, Vantaa Art Museum, Finland
- Art Biesental 2008, Biesental, Germany
- Interventions/ Copa da Cultura, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
- Anstoss Berlin, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin
- Female Positions toward Sculpture, Gallery AREA 53, Vienna
- Nostalgia of the body, Gallery Firstsite, Colchester, UK
- Erben: Erobern, Steirischer Herbst, Graz, Austria
- Os premiados 1994/2002, Museu de Arte da Bahia, Salvador +MAUC,Fortaleza+Fundação Joaquim
Nabuco, Recife + Centro Cultural São Francisco, João Pessoa
- Grande Orlândia:artistas abaixo da Linha Vermelha,Espaço Orlândia,Rio de Janeiro
- Alternating Currents / University of Essex, Colchester, UK
- On this side of the sky / UNESCO Paris
- Zeitgenössische Brasilianische Kunst in Deutschland/Zehn Künstler zwischen zwei Ländern, Brazilian Embassy in Berlin
- Morro/ Labirinto, Museu Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
2002 Love’s House, Project in the Hotel Love’s House, Rio de Janeiro
- IBEU 1991.2001, Galeria de Arte IBEU, Rio de Janeiro
- KHOJ 2002 / Workshop-exhibition, Mysore / Bangalore, India
- Reservoir III – Aquatektura, Grosser Wasserspeicher, Berlin
- Brandenburgische Kunstage, Internationales Kunstforum Drewen V, Drewen /Kyritz
- Cuerpos. Redes. Voces. Transitos: Horizontes cambiantes, Casa de América, Madrid
- Art at the turn of the century, Galerie kai Hilgemann, Berlin
- Der Brazilianische Blick, Sammlung Gilberto Chateaubriand / MAM, RJ + HKW, Berlin+
Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst, Aachen Kunst Museum, Haeiden - New acquisitions Collection Gilberto Chateaubrian, MAM do Rio de janeiro
- Contrapartida II, Hochschule der Künste, Berlin
- Suspended Instant, Art in General, New York
- Internationales Projekt für Bildende Kunst, Graz, Austria
- Transparências / Bienal no Rio, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro
- Escultura Plural, MAM da Bahia, Salvador / MAM do Rio de Janeiro
- Esculturas no Paço, Museu Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
- II Salão de Arte da Bahia, MAM da Bahia, Salvador
- Continuum – Brazilian Art, 1960s -1990s, University Gallery, Essex, Colchester,UK
- Metrópole e Periferia, Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro
- Escultura carioca, Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
- XXVII Salão Carioca de Arte, Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro
- 11 pontos no espaço público, Museu da República, Rio de Janeiro
- Exposição comemorativa /10 anos galeria de Arte UFF,Universidade Federal Fluminense Niterói
- XV Salão Carioca de Arte, EAV do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro
- XII Salão Nacional/Prêmio Brasília de Artes Visuais, FUNARTE/IBAC, Rio de Janeiro + Museu de Arte
De Brasília, Brasília,DF - 7 X AR, MAM do Rio de Janeiro
- Possível Imagem, Solar Grandjean de Montigny /PUC, Rio de Janeiro
- VIII Salão Paulista de Arte Contemporânea, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, S.P.
- XIII Salão de Arte Nacional Contemporâneo, Ribeirão Preto
- Projeto Macunaíma,FUNARTE, Rio de Janeiro
- 19°Salão de Arte Contemporânea de Belo Horizonte, Museu de Arte da Pampulha,Belo Horizonte
- Novos Novos, Centro Empresarial Rio, Rio de Janeiro
- MAM do Rio de Janeiro
- MAM da Bahia, Salvador
- MAR-Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro
- IBEU / Instituto Brasil-Estados Unidos, Rio de Janeiro
- Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden
- University of Essex, Colchester, England
- Art in General, NY; NEXT – Verein für bildende Kunst, Graz, Austria
- KHOJ, Mysore, India
- Gilberto Chateaubriand Collection, Rio de Janeiro
- Hoffmann Collection, Berlin
- Alain Servais Collection, Brussels
- Renée and Ursula Block Collection/Berlin/ARTER Museum, Istanbul
- 2022 Stiftung Kunstfonds, Germany
- 2017 Finalist for the PIPA prize 2017, Rio de Janeiro
- 2010 Prize exhibitions of artists abroad, Brazil Contemporary Art, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo e Ministério da da Cultura do Brasil
- 2010 Nominated for the PIPA Prize 2010, Rio de Janeiro
- 2008 Edital Artes Visuais / Secretaria de Cultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
- 2007 Guest artist in residence at Villa Aurora,Los Angeles, USA
- 2002 KHOJ workshop-exhibition in residence programm, Mysore+Bangalore,India
- 2002 Bolsa de Artes, RIOARTE, Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
- 2001 Helsinki International artist in residence programme, HIAP, Cable Factory,Helsinki
- 1999 Bolsa Virtuose / Ministério da Cultura do Brasil (atelier programm 1999 Kunstlerhaus Bethanien,Berlin)
- 1996 Best show of the year, Galeria do IBEU (Instituto Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos), Rio de Janeiro
- 1995 II Salão de Arte da Bahia, MAM da Bahia, Salvador
- 1993 Prêmio Carioca / XVII Salão Carioca de Arte, Rio de Janeiro
- 1991 Prêmio Brasília de Artes Plásticas / XII Salão Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Brasília + Rio de Janeiro
- 1990 Prêmio FIAT 1990 / Exposição Possível Imagem, Rio de Janeiro
- http://abstractioninaction.com/artists/carla-guagliardi/
- http://www.premiopipa.com/pag/artistas/carla-guagliardi/
- https://www.pipaprize.com/2017/11/carla-guagliardi-conversation-luiz-camillo-osorio/
- https://www.pipaprize.com/2018/01/listen-silent-look-void-read-luisa-duartes-critical-text-carla-guagliardi/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ1qMjzPq2I
- http:// www.kajetan.berlin
- http://kajetan.berlin/carla-guagliardi-conversa-com-a-parede-gespraech-mit-der-wand/
- http://mirror-images.de/kunstler/carla-guagliardi/
- http://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/die-kunst-die-kuenstlerin/7791996.html
- https://www.artforum.com/picks/id=34595
- http://www.dieraum.net/index.php?/exhibitions/2015-0022-carla-guagliardi/
- http://www.zazie.com.br/carla/